Yoga is one more branch of the Vedic knowledge. The word "Yoga" may be translated as "Union with God".
It is a profound science with the set of techniques aimed at the highest goal – reaching Enlightenment, or Liberation, that is the original state of every human being, permanent self-identification with his Highest Spiritual Nature and not with mortal bodies that a particle of the Absolute wear as clothes when incarnated on the Earth. The work that is aimed at reaching the highest goal of the Yoga is a profound spiritual practice that should be undertaken under the guidance of an experienced liberated teacher – Guru.

These are the main basic principles of Yoga. It must be noted that Yoga with its basic principles is not only Indian heritage. From the earliest times, in different civilizations, similar systems of knowledge with the same goal have appeared. Another culture that cultivated Yoga is China. Taoist Yoga is a well-developed and profound system that is known as widely nowadays as Indian Yoga.
Having been practicing both Indian and Taoist Yoga since 1996, the leaders of the Ragini Ayurveda & Yoga Center finally understood that many aspects of both Indian and Taoist Yoga can be successfully practiced in order to make the effect of body cleansing, treatment, health improvement and rejuvenation more profound, if they are practiced properly, taking into account the constitutional type, health condition and experience of the patient. We put to use Yoga practices in order to increase efficiency of our cleansing and health improving programs. And it works! Plain Ayurvedic procedures without the support of special therapeutic programs prove to be 40% less effective. Even those patients who are not touched by spiritual aspect of yoga practice feel the power and effectiveness of these methods and, being astonished, begin to go deeper in not only health improving Yoga exercises, but also true designation and purpose of Yoga.

Those people who have already been involved in different spiritual practices also understand in amusement that their personal practice, done with respect to the features of their individual psycho-physiological constitutional type, becomes more effective and gives more fruitful results without any tension and internal struggles. Spiritual seekers get the experience they have long been striving for in a mild and natural way, and this experience does not vanish with the end of the practice but takes root in their daily life.
Margarita, 50, Moscow:

"I cannot but express my amazement and admiration regarding fantastically successful combination of Yoga and Taoist practices that Oxana gives us in the morning!!! The real experience of the hollowness of your body is priceless!!! And this realization doesn't vanish with the end of the class but becomes more clear and distinct during the day and even after that!!!"
Irina Belintseva, Yoga instructor, Moscow:

"I had a short but very profound course of Taoist Yoga with Oxana. I am not a neophyte in Yoga, but still every class was a revelation for me. Careful work with internal organs, precise polishing of the meditation techniques – all of this gives inspiration for further practice".
We are always happy to share our knowledge and experience in designing individual Yoga sessions with everybody, not restricted to our patients who come here to undergo cleansing and health-improvement programs.

First, it is possible to make an arrangement both in India and Russia for your individual yogic consultation or a course of individual classes aimed at designing personal Yoga sessions in accordance with your constitutional type and health condition.

Second, you can visit both in India and Russia a set of seminars "Ayurveda & Yoga"


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