In conclusion to my dissertation I would like to point out once again that attitude plays an important role in human life as it is a factor which makes a human being feel happy or unhappy, leads to inner balance or imbalance, builds up positivity of negativity in human personality. Changing improper attitudes into right direction promotes development of human personality and makes human life happier.
Attitudes as an internal affective orientation combines a few components, namely consciously held belief or opinion, emotional tone and feeling, positive or negative evaluation and disposition for action. Attitude is actually a way that a person approaches, treats and reacts to a certain object or phenomenon.
Attitudes create a pyramid hierarical structure in human mind with major attitude being at the top and minor attitudes comprising wider and wider lower levels. Behind each of our everyday reaction there is a hieratical chain of attitudes which ultimately leads to one, or more, major attitudes.
Major attitudes which determine the whole structure are those towards oneself, towards process and values of life and towards the goal of life.
Roots of our major attitudes go deep into our unconscious mind. They are affective archetypal structures named kleshas which generally the major cause of a manifested being's suffering in the manifested world. Most human being are affected by kleshas and cannot see the Supreme Reality of there True Self. They cannot perceive and identify themselves with Brahman, or Supreme Self that is all the bliss, light, harmony and unity, in other words total transcendental unbroken everlasting happiness. However human true nature, or Atman, remembers this state of happiness and guides the individual self to search for that lost happiness. Unfortunately kleshas reorient the search of an individuality into the outer manifested world rather than into depths of his being. Kleshas give rise to distorted major attitudes which in turn give rise to the whole distorted attitudinal structure that manifests in our everyday life in the form of permanent vain search of happiness in the outer world. In this way human life becomes a chain of transitory happiness and unhappiness which never ends and which in itself is a process of ceaseless suffering.
Yoga provides a way to stop this suffering through the union between the individual self and the Supreme Self. As such a yogic path is closely connected with changing attitudes. It aims at removing kleshas, and it is clear that if the roots of the attitudinal tree have to die, the whole tree has to die. It means that the whole tree of our "normal" attitudes has to die and to be substituted with another tree growing out of clear vision and contact with divine.
Yoga provides a wide range of methods to address improper attitudes. The system of methods includes satsang, developing awareness, techniques of meditation and pratyahara which work through unconscious and subconscious mind, reprogramming conscious mind, systematic approach of bhakti yoga. Particular methods have been designed to address and change specifically major attitudes.
It is possible to say that changing attitudes and advancement in yogic path are two unseparable processes, even more, they are one complex process. However some yogic systems, like Patanjali's raja yoga, recommend to start the yogic path with changing attitudes and after attaining mastering in it start the other practices. Other yogic systems, like hatha yoga, recommend to start other practices, observe how your attitudes change naturally, and then also naturally introduce specific work on changing attitudes. But anyway sooner or later "normal" attitudes will change paving to way to self-realization.
The process of changing attitudes takes a lot of patience and determination, and the change does not happen overnight. However even a little step in the right direction will bring more peace, light, stability into the aspirant's life. The life will start to open its beauty, the world will start to welcome you, the glimpse of everlasting divine happiness will open the eyes of your heart which have been closed before. Divine Mother will take you in her arms, press against her heart and will never let you go.