PANCHAKARMA, as well as other programs of Ayurvedic treatment, cleansing, health care and rejuvenation

Price: from 7 to 28 (and more) days - from $170 to 220 US per day on the average including Ayurvedic treatments and medicines, consultations, yoga classes, lodging and special vegetarian meals.
(prices are valid for November 2024)
PANCHAKARMA is one of the most radical methods of the alleviating Ayurvedic therapy. It is the most profound body cleansing of all that are known today - not only in India, but worldwide. Panchakarma aims at cleansing not separate organs or body systems, but the whole body, each and every body cell. Even the deepest tissues that are impossible to reach using any other cleansing methods up to long-time fasting, are cleansed. Because of this "miraculous effect" Panchakarma has become popular not only in India, but in a lot of countries. Moreover, nowadays there are more foreigners than Indians among those people who come to undergo Panchakarma treatment.
When choosing the place in India for undergoing such a treatment, it is necessary to take into account the climate of the patient's native country because the effectiveness of the deep cleansing process will be much higher if the climate of the host region is similar to the climate of the motherland with its rhythms and principles upon which the body is functioning . Panchakarma in the Himalayas is the ideal choice for Europeans and Northern Asians, as well as for people rom other countries with similar climate, including the countries of the former USSR.

Besides of that, the healing energy of the highest mountain system in the world that has been attracting spiritual ascetics from times immemorial to become for them the permanent place for dwelling and doing spiritual practices, will also strengthen the effect of undergoing Panchakarma in the Himalayas.
Ludmila from Moscow, 54, who has undergone a 16-days Panchakarma treatment, shares with us her impressions on the peculiar features of this place:

«Oxana, Deepak, thank you so much for organizing the Ayurvedic center in the Himalayas. To tell the truth, I've chosen your center for undergoing the Panchakarma treatment mainly because I wanted to see the Himalayas and feel the vibe of this magic place. The proximity of the Roerich family estate made my wish even stronger. And my cheerful expectations were fully satisfied. This place is indeed beautiful and grand. I left all the Moscow rush in some other, lower reality - and experienced spiritual growth and purification.»
The full course of the Panchakarma treatment lasts one month, or, to put it more exactly, 4 weeks (28 days). The shortest course lasts 7 days. These 7 days will surely provide the obvious beneficial effect of the cleansing process, but of course, it won't be so profound. The longer the course, the deeper lying tissues are involved in the cleansing process. Thereafter, the duration of the Panchakarma treatment directly influences the thoroughness of your body cleansing. However, the patient can choose a course of any duration between 7 and 28 days. In some cases, longer treatment is needed, up to 45 days that includes not only the Panchakarma cleansing process, but also the rehabilitation period with tonic therapy that invigorates and nourishes the weakened tissues, consequently strengthening and rejuvenating the whole body.

Even for healthy people it's recommended to undergo Panchakarma, "the spring cleaning of the body", regularly, thus preventing accumulation of waste and toxins and providing health and youthfulness for years to come. For these purposes it's enough to undergo Panchakarma treatment in an Ayurvedic center once a year. For older people regular body cleansing is even more advisable.
The classical Panchakarma treatment includes the following stages:
Preliminary procedures aimed at preparing the body for the main Panchakarma procedures via oleation (oil treatment) and fomentation (heat treatment). External oleation includes oil massages, internal oleation means taking medicine oils, fomentation goes with the help of steam baths or other procedures that warm up body tissues + the patient takes healing herbal concoctions that are conducive for toxins and waste cleansing. All that contributes to disintegration of toxins and waste from cell structures, where they are naturally "glued" and mixed with the organs of the cell, their melting and liquefying that enables most of these toxins to flow through the system of body channels, which are also softened and expanded during the course of the preliminary procedures, to the definite parts of the digestive tract, from where they are finally removed during the main Panchakarma procedures. Also, toxins and waste are partly removed through other eliminative organs, i.e. skin, lungs and kidneys.
Pradhana Karma
Main course of procedures, "the finishing touches" of the treatment program, so to speak, that are aimed at removal of toxins and waste from the body parts where they have condensed after the preliminary procedures. Pradhana karma procedures include Vaman (induced emesis), Virechan (induced purgation), Basti (enemas), Nasya or Shirovirechan (nasal medication via instillation or insufflation) and Rakta Mokshan (bloodletting). Not every Panchakarma treatment should include all of these. For example, induced emesis is usually prescribed in the case of certain diseases that demand it as the main cleansing method. The practice of bloodletting is almost abandoned now in the Ayurvedic clinics. So the content of the individual treatment program depends on the patient's constitutional type, indications and contra-indications and the duration of the treatment.
Though there are some cases when the classical Panchakarma is not advisable for the patient due to his or her health condition. Then other programs of the AYURVEDIC TREATMENT, CLEANSING, HEALTH CARE AND REJUVENATION are designed.
Below you can see typical Panchakarma programs for 1 week and 2 weeks. But it should be kept in mind that these schematic programs are designed mostly for group work with average patients without serious diseases. When an individual patient comes, we always design for him a special program...
Even for healthy people it's recommended to undergo PANCHAKARMA, "the spring cleaning of the body", regularly, thus preventing accumulation of waste and toxins and providing health and youthfulness for years to come. For older people the regular body cleansing is even more advisable.


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