Individual classes in Taoist Yoga

Minimum and maximum amount of hours is not limited.

Price - $35 US per hour
(the prices are valid for December 2017)

You can visit the classes that are given by the leading specialist of our center Oxana Legkostupova both in the Ragini Ayurveda & Yoga Center in India or in Moscow where Oxana usually works in December and January. If you are interested, please contact Oxana directly.
Individual Yoga classes that are designed in accordance with the constitutional type, health condition and previous training of the patient are usually taken as a part of the programs of treatment, cleansing (Panchakarma), health-improvement and rejuvenation that are offered in the Ragini Ayurveda & Yoga Center. Though if you want you can have a course of Yoga classes separately. For those who have time and opportunity, this is a better choice than having just a Yoga consultation, because even in the course of several classes body muscles and tissues remember the right way to perform necessary postures and movements, so it gets much easier to include them in your home practice.
xana uses the techniques of Taoist Yoga belonging to the system HEALING TAO OF MASTER MANTAK CHIA that she has been studying and practicing since 1996. The system of Taoist alchemy is a masterful science of cultivating and transforming inner energy in the forms of Jing, Chi, Shen that leads to health improvement and longevity of the body, enhances energy potential, contributes to building energy and subtle body, enlarging consciousness and, in the end, attaining Tao as the highest aim of the practice. These techniques also become more effective and bring faster results when they are practiced according to the patient's constitutional type and health condition.
Designing an individual lesson, Oxana uses the following techniques of Healing Tao:
  • Inner Smile
  • Microcosmic Orbit
  • Six Healing Sounds
  • Tao Yin
  • Iron Shirt Chi Kung
  • Bone Marrow Nei Kung
  • Seminal and Ovarian Kung Fu
  • Chi Self-Massage
  • etc.
We can also help experienced practitioners to study and master practices of a higher level: Fusion of the Five Elements, Lesser, Greater and Greatest Enlightenment of Kan and Li.
Apart from the techniques given at the classes, you can also always get theoretical and practical support for your practice of different paths and aspects of Taoist Yoga.


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Sergey Panin, 36, Moscow
"I'd like to pay tribute and give a special recommendation to the additional program of working with energy and Yoga practice that is given by Oxana, because her talent is not restricted to medicine: she is a responsive and immensely wise teacher (despite her amazing modesty)".
Irina Belintseva, Yoga instructor, Moscow
"I had a short but very deep course of Taoist Yoga with Oxana. I am not a neophyte in Yoga, but still every class was a revelation for me. Careful work with internal organs, precise polishing of the meditation techniques – all of this gives inspiration to practice more and more".
We wish you conscious, fast and productive Yoga growth towards the achievement of its Highest Goal! May the blessings of the Highest Masters be with you!
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