Obesity is a real bane of modern society. Unhealthy daily ration, especially predominant greasy, sweet, excessive and amagenic food, leads to weight gain even for people of constitutional types that are not prone to gaining weight. Taking into account also sedentary mode of life and "eating away" problems as a psychological problem that can lead even to bulimia – it is easy to understand why some people by 30 years already have their first extra kilos, and this "emergency stock" is enlarged with coming years.

Most prone to gaining weight are people with leading Kapha Dosha. Even in youth they often are stout or fat. And it is especially hard for them to fight with excessive weight.

Excessive weight is not a problem in itself, but it can cause very severe conditions. The list of such conditions is very long, among the most common diseases are: hypertonia, diabetes, arthritis, tissue retentions, severe allergies, skin diseases etc.

Most of people striving to lose weight find it extremely challenging. I myself, before becoming familiar with Ayurveda and Yoga, failed to lose weight again and again.

The modern society will offer you dozens of perverted approaches of losing weight striving to cheat mother nature and ignore the processes that cause overweight. Often the effect of such experiences is getting even more weight as well as new health problems. Ayurveda offers a natural way of losing weight that helps to get rid not only of extra kilos but also of the stock of the diseases that accompany it.

The first step in this direction that will boost the process immensely is PANCHAKARMA with a a special emphasis on losing weight. After many working years our Ayurveda & Yoga Center has gained rich experience in performing this type of Panchakarma. However, Panchakarma of any type will inevitably lead to losing weight. On the other hand, the essence of Panchakarma, i.e. profound body cleansing, is very important – it is not merely an Ayurvedic package of procedures aimed at losing weight. Our main task is to get rid not only of extra kilos but also of toxic substances accumulated in the body. Then weight loss will be healthy, and body will not suffer.

In the course of this Ayurvedic program extra weight goes away pretty fast. Average weight loss during 10-14 days is about 5-7 kilos. But it works out only when patients carefully follow our recommendations. Here are the results of some Panchakarma programs expressed in kilos of extra weight that went away.

Elmira, 34, Moscow, lost 7 kilos during the 14-days program.

Sergey, 47, Izhevsk, lost 7 kilos during the 14-days program.

Kirill, 33, Moscow, lost 9 kilos during the 7-days program.

Margarita, 50, lost 18 kilos during the 45-days program.

Alena, 26, lost 5 kilos during the 12-days program.

Ruslan, 42, Kremenchuk, lost 5 kilos during the 14-days program.

The list is not over. But the most crucial result is the well-being of the patient after the program. Here is some feedback.
"Most of my allergy symptoms disappeared without a trace as well as 18 kilos of excessive weight and other problems that looked minor in comparison. I feel revived!!!"
"Constant allergic rash on the body… The result of the program was overwhelming!.. I've lost 5 kilos, though it was not my aim. The most important is that all the rash (I mean, ALL) has disappeared!"
"Deepak's healing hands, morning Yoga classes and Quigong with Oxana – 7 extra kilos disappeared into thin air. But the most crucial change in my body is that it has become more conductive for subtle energies and more flexible".
Ayurveda recommends even healthy people to pass the "spring cleansing" of the body, i.e. Panchakarma, once a year. A lot of our patients, having achieved wonderful results of weight loss, feeling healthy, young and strong in every body cell, when the body becomes light, active and flexible, come back to us to revive these unforgettable experiences again and again:

"My first Panchakarma experience in the amazing center of Oxana and Deepak was… last year. After 7 days of various Ayurvedic procedures my body became full of energy, lightness and health. I felt as if I was born again. I gave myself a promise that I will try my best to come to Oxana and Deepak's center once a year to restore my soul and body balance, because life in a big city causes great tensions in the body".
In the course of the program we always teach patients how to maintain the balance of their constitutional types at home. Here we go again: if a patient returns to the home country and surrenders to his or her old habits, the weight that has been gone as well as accompanying diseases gradually starts to come back. But if a patient follows our recommendations, there will be no weight gain, and if he or she pays scrupulous attention to all the rules, the weight will continue to decrease.

The "homework" course of actions is defined individually after an Ayurvedic consultation taking into account the constitutional type and health condition of the patient.

As it was mentioned above, excessive weight is typical for people who have Kapha as a leading Dosha or one of the leading Doshas. So mostly we recommend the course of actions aimed at maintaining Kapha Dosha balance. But people of other constitutional types also can stick to this rules for some time in order to lose weight or undergo detoxification at home. This course of actions includes:

1) Stick to the special diet for Kapha Dosha.
You can find detailed food charts in the books or on the Internet. The basic rules are the following:

  • Completely exclude amagenic food from your daily ration.
  • Do not have food before 10 am and after 6 pm. Main meal should be taken at noon. It is even better to skip breakfast and have lunch as the first meal. Have two meals a day.
  • Avoid sweet, sour and salty food.
  • Spicy, bitter and astringent tastes are recommended and can be found mostly in spices and herbs. Spicy and bitter food taken at the same time facilitates body detoxification. So spices and herbs should be an important part of the daily diet. The most recommended spices are ginger, red and black pepper, mustard, cloves, horseradish as well as asafetida, fenugreek, and cinnamon. To help digestion it is useful to take 1/3-1/2 tea spoon of Trikatu or mixture of dry ginger powder together with red and black pepper after every meal.

The most recommended herbs are: sage, thyme, chicory, dandelion root, burdock root, plantago. Make herbal tea with some spices.

  • Avoid greasy, oily, heavy, moist and cold food.
  • The basic products for the daily diet should include vegetables, beans (especially easily digestible ones: mung-bean, red lentils) and easily digestible grains: buckwheat, barley, rye, and corn (better as dry crisp bread).
  • It is recommended to have fasting days with herbal and spice tea, possibly with honey, as well as longer fasting periods.

2) Take Ayurvedic herbs and medicines:

  • To help digestion: triratu and chitrak, as well as spices that are mentioned above,
  • Bitter herbs facilitating weight loss: catuka, chirayata, neem, barberry as well as herbs that are mentioned above,
  • Mild purgatives: Triphala churna,
  • Mild diuretics: plantago, corn silk and Mumiyo that produces invigorating effect, boosts metabolism and strengthen the immune system at the same time. Mumiyo is especially recommended for those who want to lose weight.
  • Herbs for nervous system that help to weaken the habits leading to overweight: calamus and brahmi.

3) You should regularly visit bathhouses or saunas that cause intense sweating.

4) You should regularly do intensive physical exercises that also cause intense sweating. The best are the Yoga systems that include intensive physical exercises as well as stretching: Iyengar Yoga and Ashtanga Vinyasa.

5) It's recommended to avoid long sleep and day sleep.

My personal experience as well as the experience of a lot of my patients shows that it is easy to form new habits when the recovery processes in the body are already active. Panchakarma is the proper way to prepare the reorganization of your body. The body itself will refuse to come back to the old habits.

We wish you easy and painless loss of extra kilos!

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