When we created our center in 2001, we saw our basic

global purpose as purification of the whole planet on both physical and energy levels. We still follow this purpose.

The first task is to perform cleansing and health-improving programs with the best possible quality, that gives people an opportunity to get the firsthand experience of feeling the difference: how cleansed body tissues produce feelings of lightness, flexibility and youthfulness on the body level + feelings of joy, clarity, happiness and levitation on the level of mind and consciousness. A "pure" person is healthy both physically and mentally; his or her aspirations and actions as well as general behavior are becoming more pure.

The second task is to teach people how to maintain their bodies in purity on the single-cell level, how to maintain their well-being and inner purity at home. It is even more important. A person who got used to this condition of the inner purity will not want to live in a mess, both in terms of body and vibrations. Our planet, that is literally drowning in a swamp of low, dirty vibrations, is in strong need of good ones, and every person, who is pure inside radiates beneficial vibrations that give prominent support to the Earth's evolutionary growth.
The third our task is to make Ayurvedic knowledge simple, accessible and practically useful for Western people – so that this knowledge could enrich daily life, not merely stimulate the mind. Unfortunately, in modern India Ayurvedic knowledge was mostly detached from its Vedic roots and lost the connection with both daily life and other branches of the Vedic knowledge, such as Yoga. Ayurveda turned into just a medical science: the knowledge applied for prescribing medicines and clinical treatments. Of course, it is also good. But Ayurveda, in its most pure sense and pure beauty, is the knowledge of life that penetrates deep into the essence of the life, the knowledge that describes how to live in tune with the Universal Law, how to live happily and healthily, flowing forward with all the living beings in the spiritual evolution of the Planet Earth. We got this precious knowledge from our wonderful Teachers. Great respect to them! We promise to spread this knowledge further, for the benefit of all mankind.

May our beautiful planet enjoy peace, serenity, prosperity, and purity! May all the beings be happy, may all the beings go to God!

Om. Shanti. Shanti. Shanti.
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