Another important point in relation to defining attitude is that attitudes do not exist in the human mind separately from each other. They form clusters. "Attitude cluster is a number of related attitudes held by a person which are interrelated and distinct from other attitudes". 3
Moreover it is possible to say that attitudes create a kind of hierarchy in human mind with a few major attitudes determining the lower levels of attitudinal structure. And the lowest level is our everyday reactions towards situations, objects, relationships around us. Usually we do not even think why we reacted in some particular way. If somebody asks us or we ask ourselves about it, in some cases we will be able to give a definite answer and in other cases we will try to find some intellectual reasoning understanding that actually we do not know why we reacted in this particular way. In fact behind each of our everyday reactions there is a minor attitude which level by level leads to one of major attitudes which forms this pyramid. Usually minor attitudes are consciously help opinions, and the more upper level an attitude is, the closer it is to subconscious and unconscious levels of our mind. However if we want to change our minor attitudes we need to know their roots.
From my point of view the major attitudes, which determine our minor attitudes, are those towards ourselves, towards process and values of life and towards the goal of life. However even these major attitudes have their roots which are necessary to take into consideration if we are going to approach changing attitudes form yogic point of view.
3. Arthur S. Reber, " Dictionary of Psychology," p.66