As it was mentioned before a manifested human being in our era is not aware of his true nature, i.e. of the identity of his individual self (soul or atman) with the Supreme Self (the Highest Reality or Paramatma), which is all the bliss, light, luminosity, unbroken unity and harmony. Maya through conditioning his mind by means of kleshas guides all his attention and efforts into outside world where he in vain attempts to acquire everlasting happiness. Yoga is a tool which helps an individual to establish the link with the Supreme Reality and ultimately to attain complete identification or union with it that is moksha, or liberation which can be described as true total transcendental unbroken everlasting happiness. So yoga is a path, an instrument which guides a human being to that blissful state. This yogic path leads through restructuring the whole personality of an individual including the whole attitudinal dimension. It changes the whole attitudinal structure starting from kleshas as roots for major attitudes and ending with minor attitudes towards everyday stimula, or vice versa. Kleshas form the basis in our mind according to which it gets programmed at lower attitudinal levels by the outside circumstances. We live and react according to these programs. The process of yogic transformation suggests reprogramming the mind, i.e. creating positive programs and substituting old negative programs which caused more suffering with the new positive programs which cause less suffering. And ultimately the process of yogic transformation leads through total unprogramming the mind to the state when mind is transcended and does not play any role in determining actions in manifested world.
Now let us take a closer look at the yogic approaches to major attitudes which help to construct a healthier and happier personality and ultimately lead to a blissful state of union with the Supreme Reality.