Feedback. Panchakarma and therapy

Olga Ivashina, 51, Vladivostok

1. The comment on the first 10-day Panchakarma (in the course of the program the patient lost 4 kg of excessive weight).

13 May of 2013

I recommend and wish everyone to come here – to the Ragini Center!

My anticipations that were formed after reading reviews on the site of the center were completely justified, and the results of the 10-day Panchakarma course exceeded all the expectations.

The program of the course, based on deep and profound knowledge, is designed individually for each and every patient in accordance to his or her constitutional type and existing health problems.

Unique (you won’t find them elsewhere!) morning Yoga classes that accompany the procedures will transform you dramatically!

Mother Nature has given us so much beauty, inside and outside! Here, in this center, human body and soul undergo changes that cannot be restricted to our everyday perceptions.

Oxana and Deepak love their Work. It is true happiness – to be in their hands!

The assistant girls, nice, kind and hard-working – thank you, my dear!

After the 10-day course of procedures and Yoga classes I can see and feel obvious internal and external rejuvenation, I have also lost 4 kg, though neither this nor that was my purpose. I wanted only to be cleansed. What a wonderful feeling – feeling of Harmony!

Sincerely, with great respect and gratitude,


2. Later, from our letter exchange.

14 July of 2013

I take all my herbs and medicines almost religiously (sometimes miss due to my travels). Oxana, what I can notice in particular – I never feel tired any more: unusual and glorious condition. Of course, my appearance also reflects inner changes: my complexion, body shape and posture – now I hold my head higher. My eyes also have changed dramatically: now my iris is clean, without any stains, of pleasant grey and blue colors (before I always thought that my eyes are yellow and green). Undoubtedly, my eyesight improved, eyes do not become tired any more. I always feel positive and calm. I’ve learned to notice, distinguish the moments when bad thoughts come to my mind and switch it instead to good ones. Now I am anticipating my trip to the Himalayas.

3. The comment on the second 9-day Panchakarma course.

After my first visit of the Ragini Center in May 2013 my awakened soul and body yearned for this place of Divine Energy, so after 4 months I’m here again.

After the first Panchakarma course in May 2013 followed by “homework”, my inner condition has significantly changed: “wise calmness” has come, as well as inner smile that, of course, was reflected also in my appearance.

This emotional and psychological attitude, being quite amazingly the result of the cleansing on the physical level, has changed all my life. Now it is full of smiles and positive, and that had a great effect on my relationships with my mother, father, children and co-workers.

And what eyes do I have now! I admire them myself! (sorry for being immodest…) I always thought that my eyes are yellow and green, but after two Panchakarma courses they are of clear grey and blue color, shining, without any brown stains on the iris!

Also, Deepak, performing his exclusive procedure for eyes, noted that they have become softer than in my last visit, without any tension.

During my second stay here I was lucky enough to take a 4-day Thai massage course that is wonderfully given by Oxana’s magic hands filled with healing power. I could never have guessed about the capabilities of my body that were released by Oxana!

In the course of the 9-day Panchakarma I lost 4 kg, though, as during my last visit, losing weight was not my goal.

But most important thing I should say is that a well thought out and individually designed program of physical body cleansing influences the Life of the Soul.

Thanks to Yoga classes (quite a unique program) and Oxana’s explanations, I understood that ignoring or offending your body you make a mistake on your spiritual way.

Treating body with respect, as the most precious gem, we set our feelings as well as our life on the right way.

My impressions are shared with my elder daughter Marina who, having seen me after the first Panchakarma course, has come with me.

With the highest gratitude, respect and reverence,

Olga and Maria.