Feedback. Panchakarma and therapy

Olga, 23, Moscow

I was 23 when I came to the Deepak and Oxana’s center. Though this age, due to biological reasons, doesn’t suffer much from serious health problems, my skin condition left much to be desired (though I’d been trying to treat it with hormonal agents – with no result), I felt cold often, and my legs below knees were swollen. But the main reason for coming was utmost ignorance about the real needs of my body. However, the body is the temple of the soul, so if you don’t feel harmonious with it, any spiritual practices are out of question.

But now, thanks to Oxana, I know my constitutional type and what I should do to stay vigorous and healthy.

I want to give special attention to Yoga classes. Even I, who had never before practiced any Yoga, joyfully did all the exercises from the program that was individually designed for me, and after 3 days already felt that my flexibility has significantly improved, and lightness has filled my body. Yoga was a discovery for me!

Speaking about those minor problems I brought to my Panchakarma course, on the 6th day I completely forgot about swelling, skin condition became CONSIDERABLY better, it’s hard to believe that in such a short period of time my face was cleansed so much. Also, my complexion became more healthy, the whites of my eyes are now really white, I stopped to feel cold so often.

I’m grateful to my fate that my acquaintance with Ayurveda took place in that very center of Deepak and Oxana. Now I know the needs of my body, and we can start a new, full of energy life together!

Thanks a lot to you, Oxana, Deepak and wonderful assistant girls, I’ll certainly come back here again and again and again, maybe even deciding to undergo a longer course.

19 October of 2012