Feedback. Education and Consultations

Sergey Vasilyev, 35, Moscow

You can compare European medicine with a car repair. While our body-car is running on uneven roads of our stressful life, its mechanics wears out, and minor repair takes place. When the car has an accident, that means facing a grave disease, radical repair is done. But please notice, that the aim of the doctor is only to treat, to make a minor adjustment. He/she mostly doesn’t look for the reason of wearing out or having an accident – it’s simply not his/her business.
Unlike modern European medicine, traditional Eastern medicine is a science about human health, about living a long and happy life in your body. Yes, it’s a science, because all of this knowledge had stood the test of time, the time much longer than the whole period of the European medical science existence. So, resorting to the practices that were honoured by traditions lasting for thousands for years, you remove the causes of illnesses in yourself and become joyful, heatlhy and harmonious person without any need in constant “repairs”.

I can write about these things so confidently, because I’ve known them, felt the difference, on my own experience. And it happened by virtue of the help given by Oxana Legkostupova – the doctor of the traditional Indian medicine (Ayurveda), also practicing Chinese Taoist techniques.
I’m an artist and a leader of a musical project. That time my health, that wasn’t good even before (I almost never did sports, consumed a lot of alcohol and also drugs in the past), due to constant professional and life stress, began to decrease rapidly. The symptoms included sleep disorder, excessive weight, zero physical energy level. But the most important was, I lost any desire to live. I was only 35, and in the mirror I saw a burned out and tired man, almost an elderly person.

In the early 2010 I consulted with Oxana. She prescribed me Ayurvedic treatment: daily diet, a course of taking medicinal herbs, therapeutic Yoga classes, massage, day regimen.

It took me half a year to turn from a sick man with excessive weight, desperately low energy level and apathy into a strong man with a strong body and quite good health. I lost 15 kg of excessive weight. I do Yoga regularly. I’m not afraid of stress any more – I know that a new way of life will help to maintain body balance even in the most difficult conditions.
I’m 35 years old. Before starting the treatment I looked like it’s described above. Now, people say, I look like 29-30, and most of them don’t believe that I suffered from such serious problems. You can imagine how important it is for a person who gives public presentations on a regular basis – and how grateful I am to my doctor.

And now a couple of words about my doctor. Nowadays everyone can meet a lot of “neophytes” of Eastern practices, that are dazzled by the attractiveness of these practices, but, unfortunately, they don’t understand that the ancient wisdom is not an Aladdin’s lamp in itself, but rather a very serious scientific school, and you can master its knowledge only with a disciplined mind. Speaking about Oxana, it seems that being previously a specialist in European medicine, she studies Indian medicine and Yoga with the same responsibility and dedication that is characteristic for a good doctor of any nation and culture. Oxana Legkostupova is a truly competent and scrupulous specialist, completely dedicated to her work. I hope that, due to her work, traditional Eastern human science will help many more people, as it helped me.

10 September of 2010